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Sudan Archives Review: The Queen of Throwback (with a twist)

Oliver Corrigan

Band on the Wall, Manchester

“Y’all ready for some throwback?”

As one of the most celebrated artists of the year, Sudan Archives incites a garish R&B-pop throwback like no other to an entranced Mancunian crowd.

Listening to Sudan Archives, devoid of visuals, an invariable throwback to the early 00’s R&B era seems entirely relevant to tonight’s proceedings. It’s only when we gaze upon the spectacle of the artist’s dazzlingly unique guise does the “throwback” plot thicken.

Contoured by a taught fishnet outfit cut starkly against a mullet-style hairdo, the singer and violinist known as Brittney Denise Parks announces herself to one of Manchester’s treasured historic venues, Band on the Wall, defiantly announcing a throwback - her myriad of cascading, blonde dreadlocks dangling against her body.

Thus begins Sudan Archives’ enactment of her highly-acclaimed latest LP, Natural Brown Prom Queen. Bopping around stage to sage hits as ‘Home Maker’ and ‘OMG BRITT’, the solo artist (backed by percussionist and mixer) commands the divine attention of her audience throughout - exclamations here, hip-swerving there, encased in a theatrical bazaar.

Undoubted throwbacks to the early days of Pharrell Williams’ career, as well as Missy Elliott, Lil Kim and many others, seem definite influences to her set - though it’s the dexterity of her violin performance that cannot be overstated. One would be hard-pressed to find a respected, current pop singer who boasts such simultaneous prowess over vocal chops and a string instrument (akin to Lizzo and her flute) within a career-spanning discography, let alone a single show.

Look no further than the (perhaps) inevitable mid-show violin solo, enrapturing the surprised crowd into a frenzy of euphoric applause as Parks throws herself about stage, entirely at one with her beloved instrument.

Yet the real throwback bops for tonight come served in the form of ‘Freakalizer’s ear-wormy groove and ‘NBPQ (Topless)’s empowering call “I’m not average…I just wanna hang my titties out” - an encapsulating mantra for this artist showcasing her playful liberation in the realm of throwback-esque R&B. For this, Sudan Archives deservedly remains one of the most highly acclaimed breakthrough artists of 2022, underlined by a daringly garish and inspiring performance.


Sudan Archives' latest LP, Natural Brown Prom Queen, is out now and can be found below.

Photo is courtesy of Anthony Harrison whose work can be found here.



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